Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter and Dyngus day!

We had a big milestone this weekend- Vienna's first family holiday! Easter Sunday Tony and I took Vienna to church, family brunch at my parents, and family dinner with the Kurpiewskis. It was a beautiful day so it was outstanding to get some sun, relax, and eat lots of good food. Church was outstanding- it was Viennas first mass and she slept through most of it. Even when she woke up, she smiled a few times then went back to sleep. A successful outing! Brunch and Dinner were wonderful too of course- lots of family and food. Can't ask for anything better.

Here is Baby Girl with her Easter basket. No, I didn't really go all out with the Easter basket thing... I just put some items we already had in a basket. We didn't go see the Easter bunny, which I'm a little bummed about but it's probably for the best. Next year we will hit up our neighborhood Easter egg hunt which the Easter bunny attends. And we will certainly visit Santa this December!

Baby girl in her Easter finery.. Making a funny face...

And a collage of Baby Girl in some bunny ears, a few days before Easter... I couldn't resist!

With the excitement of Easter comes one of Tonys favorite holidays... Dyngus Day! You really cannot contemplate how Polish this holiday is... And by Polish I mean absolutely ridiculous and fun. We again were blessed with a gorgeous day, so we enjoyed some outside time and then went down to the parade. The parade is outstanding- polka music, floats, people squirting water off the floats, throwing kielbasa, butter lambs, golf balls, and people whipping others with pussy willow fronds. Absolutely nuts! Baby girl was great and enjoyed the hour + parade. She and daddy dressed in matching outfits- he the Polish prince and she the (Quarter Polish) Princess.

Hey y'all 

Happy Spring holidays!

Eight weeks!

Hard to believe that Baby Girl is EIGHT WEEKS OLD! She has already changed so much... she is more alert during the day, and she is getting so much bigger! She and I attended a pumping for work class two weeks ago and she weighed in there at 11lb even! So another two week later.. im sure were knocking on 12lb! Shes totally out of newborn clothes and officially into three month clothes. Another big development is that she started smiling! Our mornings are our least fussy and most alert times, so while she and I play on the play mat, sing to my Disney mix, and do tummy time, shes starting to make some great faces and smiles!

 Back to the pumping class... I had started pumping and it wasnt going great and I HATED it... but after the class Im feeling more confident and having much more success now. Dad got to give Baby Girl her first bottle last week- and she took it like a champ! And she stared at Tony the whole time... like "what the heck you dont usually feed me... what is going on!?" But its great that he can now have some special time to feed her and I am a little more free to do some Mom time activities.

 Everyone has also been asking about Bruce. He has been doing GREAT with Vienna. He loves to see what she is doing and follows us around. He even goes into her room during naps to check on her. Too cute! He still doesn't know his own strength, so we make sure if he gives her a lick its just one.. he can be a little aggressive with his lovin!

In sad news- I will be returning to work in 1 1/2 weeks... ug! Definitely NOT looking forward to being away from Baby Girl... I love work, but being at home as a Mom is so much better! Luckily summer is around the corner.

 Now... the 8 week update of Vienna's favorite things...

1) Weubbanubs! The pacifiers with the stuffed animal.. She loves to suck on the pacifier! And I love the stuffed animal because she can hold onto it and we can prop it up when shes sleeping so if she spits out the binky it doesnt fly far.

 2) The Carseat/stroller! Spring has finally begun to show its face around here so the four of us have been going on daily walks. She loves being in her carseat- she usually is out cold within a few minutes. (She loves motion when shes sleeping- which is a pain when we try to get her in her crib.... but as long as she sleeps somewhere for now I'm happy!) The stroller we got has the attachment for the carseat- so with a quick snap, we are ready to go! Its an amazing stroller- light weight, east to maneuver... awesome in general.

 3)Kick and Play Piano- We try to spend a little time here every day- she is quite the kicker and does a great job kicking the piano to make it play. Shes even starting to work her arms a little towards the hanging toys.. not a real reach, but you can tell its coming soon!

4) Dressing up to match Daddy. Self Explanatory.

 Finally.. a tid bit about me.... Last Monday I was CLEARED for all activity! So Tuesday morning I took a slow 1.25 mile jog with Bruce. It went really well and I felt great! Excited to get back into running, especially with this fabulous running weather. I signed up for an 8k in mid June- I feel confident I'll be able to scrape it together in time- and worst case scenario, I'll walk what I need to.

 More later, have a great day... next post ill be giving you a recap of my adventures with cloth diapering!